About Natura3

Lillian Hamilton, the tenacious force behind Natura3, holds an unshakable bond with the journey of breast cancer survivors. Having lost both her parents to cancer and witnessing her sister's courageous battle with an aggressive form of breast cancer, Lillian's life has been forever altered. For one year, Lillian’s sister, fought bravely but succumbed to the disease, leaving behind two young children. The impact of these experiences deepened as Lillian herself discovered a lump in her own breast. The diagnosis came four years to the day her sister was initially diagnosed, marking an emotional parallel between their journeys. As a stage 3 breast cancer survivor, Lillian intimately understands the physical and emotional challenges faced by those in the midst of her own treatment, enduring five months of chemotherapy and 30 rounds of radiation, Lillian found herself stuffing tube socks into her bra for comfort. The warm radiation-treated breasts combined with the underwire of her bra caused unnecessary discomfort during an already trying time. It was in that moment she knew there had to be a better way, one that didn't involve invasive surgeries or compromise comfort.

Fueled by personal experiences and a passion to empower fellow survivors, Lillian embarked on a mission to revolutionize the journey with innovative shapewear. Together with her fiancé, Michael, she developed a prototype that would provide unparalleled comfort, confidence, and healing. Recognizing the significance of a like-minded partner, Lillian approached Shaun Francis, a true warrior who had triumphed in his own battle with brain trauma, emerging even stronger. Their shared vision gave birth to Natura3—a beacon of hope for breast cancer survivors, crafted with love and dedication to empowering every step of the way.

Today, Natura3 stands as a testament to Lillian's unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others. Through innovative shapewear and a warm-hearted approach, Natura3 ensures that breast cancer survivors can find comfort, regain confidence, and experience the healing they deserve.

About Lillian

About Shaun

Shaun Francis' Story: The Warrior Who Found Faith, Family, and Partnership with Natura3

Many years ago, the paths of Shaun Francis, a senior executive, and Procurement Expert, Lillian Hamilton crossed while working for General Electric. They quickly recognized each other's reliability and formed a strong professional bond. As time passed, their connection transcended the corporate realm, blossoming into a personal relationship that extended to family gatherings and shared moments outside the office. After both departed from GE, they eventually lost touch of each other for a while until reconnecting through networking and other events.

Partner of Natura3, Shaun Francis, is a testament to the power of resilience and unwavering faith. Having faced a profound brain trauma that led to months in a coma and enduring an astounding 17 brain surgeries, Shaun's journey to recovery was nothing short of miraculous. Throughout this challenging time, his devoted wife, Julie, and their daughter, Helaina, provided steadfast support, leaving an indelible mark on his path to healing. Remarkably, even during his coma, Shaun can recall moments of his wife's comforting words and the soothing melodies of music she played, a testament to the strength of their bond.

A true leader at heart, Shaun's approach is marked by understanding and valuing his teams, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among his colleagues. His extensive global experience, having lived in 22 countries and worked abroad for 3 years in Asia, Europe, and Latin America, has enriched his perspective and nurtured a profound appreciation for diverse cultures. With 15 years of leading global responsibilities and teams, Shaun brings a wealth of expertise and a forward-thinking mindset to the table.

For Shaun, family and faith hold paramount importance, serving as guiding lights in both his personal and professional life. Embodying qualities of compassion and strength, he has become an inspiration to those around him, exemplifying the power of determination and the profound impact of unwavering support. As a cherished partner in Natura3, Shaun's values and leadership will continue to shape the journey of empowering breast cancer survivors and spreading hope and healing in every stride.

Lillian's and Shaun's paths united during a time when they both faced formidable challenges. Lillian recognized Shaun's resilience, fortitude, and unwavering support, and knew he would be the perfect partner for Natura3. And she was right! When Shaun saw the prototype, he was immediately sold! Without hesitation, he became a partner, and together, they founded L & S Warriors. In fact, to demonstrate their unwavering faith and gratitude, the "3" in Natura3 symbolizes the unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, embodying their unshakeable faith.

Lillian and Shaun’s partnership epitomizes the values of Natura3 and L & S Warriors, LLC, driving a shared commitment to empower individuals, provide comfort, and support the healing process. Together, with their families, they are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others, just as their own lives were forever changed.

Story Of Natura3

The Story of Natura3: Passion, Dedication, and Changing Lives

Natura3's essence lies in an unwavering dedication to the comfort and well-being of breast cancer survivors. The heartfelt story begins with Lillian Hamilton, her fiancé Mike, Lillian’s son Sean, along with their close friend Shaun Francis, his wife Julie, and daughter Helania. Together, they forged a shared vision, determined to create a shapewear solution that would not only transform the lives of those on their healing journey but also leave a lasting legacy for decades to come. The journey of Natura3 started humbly, with Lillian and her fiancé experimenting with a simple tube sock filled with padding. They tirelessly sought the perfect prototype that would offer unmatched comfort and support to breast cancer survivors. With every iteration, their passion and determination grew, fueled by a genuine desire to make a meaningful difference.

Behind the scenes, countless meetings were held with manufacturers, distributors, and industry experts to ensure that Natura3 would deliver the best quality product possible. The team's commitment to excellence was unwavering, as they sourced materials of the highest quality, meticulously crafting a patented insert solution that breast cancer survivors could rely on.

Natura3's commitment to ethical practices is at the core of everything they do. Every step of the way, they have made it a priority to support local businesses and keep production within the United States. The choice of bamboo material reflects their dedication to sustainability and creating products that are not only comfortable but also eco-friendly.

As a brand, Natura3, one of many alternatives to reconstruction strives to do the right thing, always. Guided by a deep sense of responsibility towards our consumers, we recognize the importance of providing them with products that meet the highest standards of quality, comfort, and care. The journey of Natura3 is driven by a genuine desire to positively impact the lives of breast cancer survivors and active warriors currently in treatment and empower them on their healing journey.

L & S Warriors Foundation is an upcoming nonprofit organization that holds tremendous significance for Lillian Hamilton and Shaun Francis, the founders of Natura3. As survivors, both Lillian and Shaun credit Emory Healthcare for saving their lives. As a result, they are committed to giving back and supporting the institution and the physicians that played a vital role in their recovery.

Welcome to the early stages of the L & S Warriors Foundation, where our mission is clear: to support Emory Healthcare, including the esteemed Emory Winship Breast Center and Emory Neurology, alongside other hospitals and clinics in need of assistance. One department in particular that will benefit is Shaun's neurologist Dr. Hoang who is working to find a cure for brain cancer, which could potentially cure many solid tumor cancers. Through impactful fundraising initiatives and community outreach, L & S Warriors Foundation aims to provide essential resources and support to enhance the quality of care and make a positive impact on the lives of warriors worldwide. While we are still finalizing the details, we invite you to stay tuned for updates on L & S Warriors Foundation and the remarkable work it will undertake. By staying connected, you'll have the opportunity to learn how you can contribute and support this cause that lies close to Lillian's and Shaun's hearts.

Giving Back

Together, we can make a significant difference.

Stay tuned for much more information on L & S Warriors Foundation. If you're interested in volunteering or want to be one of the first to know updates, fill out the information below

Contact us.

  • L & S Warriors, LLC

    1600 Parkwood Circle SE


    Atlanta, GA 30339